Thanks to Bob R. in the comments section for the heads up that he received his copy of Beneath the Tree of Heaven (Chung Kuo Book 12). Last I had heard, it was still in a COVID-19-related holdup, but I guess it’s out!
Here are some Amazon links for your convenience (I’m not an affiliate and don’t make a dime off anything; consider using to donate to a charity of your choice; I donate to Woodstock Animal Sanctuary).
No word on a Kindle version yet. Feel free to comment if you hear any news, or if Book 13 gets released and nobody tells me… ha!
Another great read. Maybe it’s just because it’s so many years since I read the original series but these have a subtle but certainly different feel to them. Hard to pinpoint, but they’re certainly wonderful books and the series taken as a whole is just such a huge, ambitious and utterly brilliant story – we’re lucky we’ve found the authors books. Hoping for great success for the series as his talent deserves a big platform / audience.
Couldn’t agree more!
barely one book per year… and that is the books that are already written. So another 10 years until we have the series complete with new ending. Jebesus…. 🙁
I know what you’re saying, it’s hard to wait so long. Let’s hope the pace picks up and we get up to 3 or 4 a year at some point. I suppose it’s got to be funded and sales coming in to pay for the next runs (being self published).
jepp, for that funding part I keep buying them one by one immediately, even though the shipping rates are somewhat high….Fingers crossed.