Photos of first eight Chung Kuo proofs

Mr. Wingrove just posted on his Facebook page some photos of him showing off the beautiful proofs of the re-re-release of the first eight Chung Kuo books, featuring the Jim Burns-designed dragon ouroboros. See photos below.

Dare I say that they look even better in these photos then they as the raw images? Looking forward to having these on the bookshelf. That is, if Mrs. Giftsandstones will let me make room on the bookshelf next to the all the other Chung Kuo/Myst/Roads to Moscow books.

Also… the staff here at Of Gifts and Stones also unanimously support the return of Mr. Wingrove’s beard. This is certainly a good omen for the future of the series release, since it was absent for the Corvus release (and look what happened there).

Back to finishing Master of Time. More news as it comes.



Master of Time in the house!

I finally received my copy of Master of Time today. It’s a little beat up from the transatlantic journey, but it’s here. Reading the first few pages, I’m realizing that I remember basically nothing from the first two books. Either I read the first two books way too quickly, or I’m starting to get old, or my brain is turning to mush from being in a PhD program. I suspect it’s probably a function of all three.

Anyhow, I expect it will come back to me as I make some progress. I may check in periodically with some reflections.

If anybody would like to leave any spoiler-free thoughts about the last book in the Roads to Moscow trilogy in the comments below, please do!

Master of Time has shipped!

I just got my email confirmation (as have several of you who noted in the comments) that Master of Time, the conclusion to Wingrove’s Roads to Moscow trilogy, has shipped. Unfortunately,  since I live in the USA, Amazon UK is sending it via carrier pigeon or tugboat or something, so it’ll be a while before I get my hands on it. The American release date is in July, it seems, although the Kindle version is available in the states tomorrow. I might have to do that. Happy reading, to those of you who get it soon!