Amidst the Chaos Of Time…

David’s just sent this along. Some good news, plus personal responses to a few of your recent comments. Full text after the break.


Amidst the Chaos Of Time…


Publication day has come and gone. This week the London Book Fair dominates all of our publishing ventures, and I’ve been promised by Ebury that ROADS TO MOSCOW will be given a big push at the Fair, to try and find a foreign home for the trilogy, and, all important, a North American publisher.

But before going into all of that… Continue reading Amidst the Chaos Of Time…

Coming Up For Air…

David, after a somewhat long period of silence, has reappeared with some news and updates. Full text below the break. Big thanks to him for sending!


Coming Up For Air…

I know… I’ve been silent, very silent indeed. And you might be forgiven for wondering what the **** I’ve been up to. The answer is that I’ve been fully immersed, fifty fathoms deep, in writing the third and last of the ROADS TO MOSCOW books – THE MASTER OF TIME. What previously only existed as notes and a long synopsis is now a partially completed manuscript of 55,000 words, with another 3,000 or so words being added every day. Roughly about a third of the way through this final volume. The plan is to get it finished by the end of June and then to give it a final fine polish. Continue reading Coming Up For Air…

Out with the old and in with the new

Out with the old: A while back, I wrote about Kowloon Walled City, an area of Hong Kong, now demolished, that was seemingly a hotbed for lawlessness, chaos, and corruption. It turns out, this site’s forum was turning into its own kind of Kowloon Walled City, filled with spambots trying to take over, with 20,000+ spam posts in some areas. They’re smarter than captchas and other anti-spam measures, and when this site’s host, GoDaddy, issued a warning that they would take punitive measures since the forum database had reached 4 gigs of data (an insane number for a text-based forum), it became apparent that, just like Kowloon Walled City, the authorities (me) would have to bulldoze it. You’ll see the forum link is no longer there, and I sincerely apologize that the records of some interesting and thought-provoking conversations are now lost to the ether. I will be investigating a more sustainable forum solution, as I don’t want that part of our community to disappear forever – suggestions are welcome from those with experience in the area.

In with the new: Some exciting news on the Roads to Moscow front. Here’s the final cover for Book 1: The Empire of Time, complete with tagline: “In a war across millennia, history will be rewritten…”

Click the image for full-size.

The image should be live on the listing within the week, where, by the way you can pre-order the book (in Kindle or paperback versions), which will be released on April 3, 2014.

Past, Present And Future

David sent this over the American Thanksgiving holiday, when I was holed up visiting relatives with no internet or computer, so my apologies for the last post. Full text after the break.


“Past, Present And Future”

A blog in three parts

By David Wingrove – Saturday 30th November 2013


One – And The Evening Sings In A Voice Of Amber…

I was just nineteen years and one month old when Al Stewart, the English singer-songwriter, put out his classic album, Past, Present and Future. I was captivated, at first, by the long, (nine minutes fifty seconds) track, “Nostradamus”, which ends the album. But as the years passed, there was one single track that I kept returning to time and again, “Roads To Moscow”, itself a lengthy song, at eight minutes, its subject matter ‘Operation Barbarossa’, Hitler’s invasion of Russia in June 1941. It’s a great song, wonderfully lyrical, a poem set to music. And some while later, while listening to the song, I launched out on a lengthy short story, called “When The Snows Come”, about Hitler and the campaign, and a time traveller who tries to change things and help the Nazis win the war.

We’re talking about the early eighties here. I was sharing a flat with my darling Susan in Islington, and though I was perceived by most people to be only a critic/editor/reviewer of the genre, I had been writing science fiction – SF stories, that is – for the best part of eleven years. As an unpublished writer, I was very much one of the lesser members of our writing group, which we called WRITER’S BLOC. The other writers were all published, and one – Rob Holdstock, had even won the World Fantasy award for his novel, Mythago Wood. The others? Garry Kilworth, Lisa Tuttle, Chris Evans, Simon Ings, Bobby Lamming, Dave Garnett and Geoff Ryman. It was Geoff who, when I presented my far from short 65-pager to the group, suggested that I develop a larger framework to my story and turn it into a novel.

It was a good idea, only I was working on this wee little Chinese-oriented project, and so I left it as it was, a big, sprawling second draft which, in a much rewritten form, now forms Part 2 of the first volume of the trilogy, “In The Footsteps Of Napoleon”. Continue reading Past, Present And Future

Poll results and Roads to Moscow cover

I’ve closed the poll from the last post, which was overwhelmingly in favor of keeping this site Everything Wingrove. As Brad suggested, I’ll keep the site name the same but possibly change the subtitle… when the time comes.

I also have an update from the Man himself, with some good news and some not so good news. I’ll be posting it shortly, but to wrap up this post, I’ll leave you with this: the official cover for Roads to Moscow: Book 1 – The Empire of Time. Click the image for full size.

A note from David forthcoming in a moment…

More Roads to Moscow news

Friend of Of Gifts and Stones, Goonda, reports in:

It looks like book 2 of Roads to Moscow will be called “The Language Of The Blood”.  Both books are listed on (both have prices, book 1 also has description and release date) and book 1 is listed on (no info at all, just a title)

Thanks for sending that in. This is starting to look exciting!

Review round-up and big news

Big thanks to commenter Antonio for bringing all these items to my attention.

First up, a slew of reviews on other sites worth checking out:

Next up, and this is huge news: big-time publisher Random House seems to have officially picked up David Wingrove’s new series, Roads to Moscow, with Book 1: The Empire of Time listed with a release date of April 3, 2014. Mark your calendars, people!

Lastly, if you’re in the area and have no plans two days from now, David will be hosting a workshop on Writing Science Fiction. Lunch is included – what more could you ask for?

More news as it comes in, and if you happen to find anything worthwhile, like Antonio did, please feel free to send it along.

Site outage and news bit

You may have noticed (but hopefully didn’t) some downtime with this site. Without going into needless detail, let’s just say that web host GoDaddy doesn’t receive high marks from me as a client. However, all’s resolved now, and you can rest assured that this site isn’t going anywhere, at least until the Chinese take over and build a city of ice over my house. The staff here at Of Gifts and Stones (read: me) remain committed to bringing you all things Chung Kuo and Wingrove.

In better news, David reports that he reported to the Corvus offices last Monday to sign and date the special editions of The Broken Wheel.