New cover for Son of Heaven

David Wingrove has just released on his Facebook page the first of the new covers for the Chung Kuo series, now under his control and to published by his own imprint, Fragile Books. The next several covers should be released soon and will follow a similar motif, including the Jim Burns-created ouroboros, but will vary in main color.

David also tells me that his official website will be launching very soon, once the first series of covers has been finalized.

What do you think of the new cover art? Leave your thoughts in the comments. More news as it comes.


7 thoughts on “New cover for Son of Heaven”

  1. fitting! not to flashy or cheap looking, but classy and classic.

    It simply shouldn’t look like your run of the mill SiFi book…

  2. This turned out great. Not that I ever doubted it would. Simple classy design. Love it.

    P. S. – Matt, my little piece of news is ready for release. How can I get it over to you?

  3. Looks really nice. I like it.

    I wasn’t too into the designs for the previous incarnations apart from books 1 and 2, but this looks classy and understated.

  4. Regal. Deserving.
    Eagerly awaiting the launch of the website (sorry, don’t do FB.)
    And the outcome of Otto’s fate come April (already pre-ordered.)

  5. it does not really give a lasting impression on me. I like the old covers and the Atlantic covers too. But then again, we cannot have it all. I hope the next cover will have more emphasis on the book contents

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