After a long wait, Chung Kuo Book 11: Upon a Wheel of Fire has now been released on Kindle on the Amazon US and UK stores. Thanks a ton to Chris Lira for the tip!
After a long wait, Chung Kuo Book 11: Upon a Wheel of Fire has now been released on Kindle on the Amazon US and UK stores. Thanks a ton to Chris Lira for the tip!
so he is still alive and working on things….
now actually finally reading “marriage of the living dark” for the first time, as I suffered from two cancellations before (Germany and Corvus). I can see that the last three books actually would benefit from a lot of rewriting or extension (things happen so fast in them, it is a bit strange), but he is getting as slow as GRR Martin on this….
Hope everything is ok on David’s side….worst side he has actual more important issues to take care of.
Wasn’t sure if I could start a new post or can only the administrator do that?
Anyway, I messaged David to ask about book 12’s release. His reply below:
“Hey Ross, the cover’s just in. Book is typeset. So going into production next week. Sorry for the delay. I’m hoping book 13 will be following not too long afterwards. Cheers, David”
Thanks for this! I’ll add a post with this info.
Ugh!, I thought it was never going to be “Kindled” ;o)
Is there any news on books 12-20, I reckon I might be dead before I get to read them…
Nope, I haven’t heard anything, I’m afraid.
Book 12 is supposed to be coming this spring. I can’t remember where I read that, might have been on here actually.
No release date of course, but hopefully we’ll get one soon.
A book a year seems to be the schedule they are going for.
if that is the price for a rewritten ending… the last two-three original books were so disappointing…